Disney Movie Rewards

Do you buy Disney movies? Do you see Disney movies in the theater? Why not turn your Disney viewing experiences into prizes?
The Disney Movie Club offers you points for buying Disney movies or tickets. Those points can be cashed into a huge array of prizes including the top prize:
The Walt Disney Studios: Deluxe Private Tour for 2 for 20,000 points.
There are also lesser expensive prizes such as Disney character statues for 3,000 points, Princess blanket for 1400 points, Mickey lunch cooler for 900 points, Disney themed party supplies for 500 points and stickers for 300 points. There are a lot of things to choose!
So why not earn points on something you are already doing? Go here to join: Disney Movie Rewards and you can enter the code Goofy to get 50 free points.
Thanks to A Lot of Savings for informing me of the program.
If you'd like, you can email me so that I could send you a referral email (I earn 20 pts per referral). My email is over on the right side.
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