Internet has been down
My internet has been down for the better part of the day. It's finally back up and running! It did give my husband and me time to play Toy Story Mania. We are having so much fun with that game!
I spent the day organizing my coupons. It is never ending! If the rude cashiers (we sometimes encounter that act like we are stealing from them) understood how much time bargain hunting can take, they would be more understanding. I've been taking pictures along the way and tomorrow I plan to post about how I organize my coupons. I have a very interesting method. (Hint: I am anti binder!)
Emily will be better for a bit, then she will get worse. It's frustrating. She had a good morning and then she started to run a temp (only got up to 99.2 before I gave her Tylenol) and she napped for 4 hours. Poor girl. At least none of us have it, yet! Pray that we don't get it. My husband is on vacation this week, so that really helps.
Well it's off to get started on finding and posting the deals. Thanks again to all my wonderful readers. You really are a bright spot in my life.
Did you ever post your method for organizing coupons? I just started following your blog and am loving the great deals that you share. I am however becoming overrun with coupons. I definitely need a system for quickly organizing and finding what I need. Thanks for all the info!
Thanks for the compliments! You can find it here:
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