What I am printing

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Become a fan of Sara Lee on Facebook HERE and they’ll email you a $3/1 pre-sliced deli meat coupon!
$10 in Glade coupons
White Cloud coupons
Pepsi product coupons
Musselman's $1 off total fruit or healthy picks
Little Debbie 75c off cupcakes (FF link)
For CVS upcoming sales:
$5/$25 from the flu quiz
Tone printable (ff link)
Vaseline here (ff) and here!
Printable Sites that always have coupons (remember these reset on the 1st of every month):
This group of coupons is often identical but can vary so I check all sites.
$1 McCormick
50c on Hershey's Shelf Stable Milk
All You
Coupon Bug
This group of coupons is often identical but can vary so I check all sites.
Box Tops for Education
Betty Crocker
Eat Better America
Red Plum
This group of coupons is often identical but can vary so I check all sites.
$1.50 Mrs Paul's
Cool Savings
Simple and Delicious
Snack Picks
Be sure to check this website out:

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