Minniemizing for the Mouse
A vacation at Disney World involves a lot of walking. A LOT! I have 7 months until we leave for our vacation and I would love to lose about 50 pounds to make the vacation more enjoyable.
So an idea came to me. I know I am not the only one who needs to get fit. So I decided to start a new daily feature on my blog called Minniemizing for the Mouse. (Get it? haha)
So every afternoon, Monday - Friday, I will post a new Minniemizing for the Mouse. Comment on the post if you worked out that day or not. Walking, Aerobics, Yoga, Wii Fit... just whatever you do to get fit. (I have the new Wii Fit Plus!) At the end of 4 weeks, I am going to give a reader a $100 coupon potluck as a prize for sticking with their weight loss efforts. And the potluck will not be shabby! I will be digging into my personal stash for an awesome, knock your socks off potluck.
Look for the first post tomorrow afternoon!
what a cool idea . . .
this is a great idea...we are going to disney in May so definetely count me in! I read your blog daily....
dctm at bellsouth dot net
Count me in!
That is a pretty good idea. I am not planning a disney trip anytime soon :( but we are TRYING to plan a cruise in June. I found your site and am really getting into this coupon thing. How do you like the wii fit plus? I have wii fit, which I like, but haven't done in a while. I have a library of workout dvds too... I think I am going to make myself a schedule and get to working out now!!
Big fan of your blog. I'm in Huntsville, so it's nice to have a fellow Ala couponer. We plan to go to WDW next spring, so I'll be Minniemizing with you. Love this idea!
I actually haven't played the Wii Fit Plus yet. I think the Wii is probably going to yell at me tomorrow. However I have watched my husband play it and he loves it. I'm excited to try it tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. :)
When I got on Wii Fit at my sisters, omg it was brutal. Cause I gained a pound or 2 in a day. Does it not count water weight, Ha!!!! Well, I will post what I do, but I doubt I could win, it will just be to stay fit. Which will be great for our Disney trip.
What a great idea. We plan on a trip tow WDW hopefully next July. I have been following your savings tips and coupons to save money for the trip. Def need to lose a minimum of 50 pounds as well. Will be nice to share the journey. Thank you.
Debbie from missouri kdkbrebel@charter.net
What a great idea! Im also trying to lose weight so I will be following along. Trying to lose 15 by Christmas and 50 by a family reunion in June.
Great Idea, I will be continuing with my progress, started early spring and have lost 20 lbs and enjoy the workout now. Day is not complete with out a good run. :)
Just started reading your blog and it is awesome has some great information. Thank you so much. I have been doing a biggest loser contest with friends and have lost 14lbs so far but have hit a plateau. I did run for 2 miles yesterday (a big accomplishment for me). I have to commit everyday and hopefully I will win the $400.00 pot that's at stake as well. Thanks again Vicki
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