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Great Deals on regular priced items!
Band-Aid Travel Packs
Retail: 79c
Coupon: $3/2 Johnson's products blinkie (no longer available) (exp 12/31)
Total: Free!
Johnson's Buddy Bars
Retail: $1.09
Coupon: $3/2 Johnson's products blinkie (no longer available) (exp 12/31)
Total: Free!
Retail: 89c
Use 50c/1 from 8/23 (exp 10/31) or 10/18 SS (exp 1/31/10)
Total: Free!
Schick 2 pk Disposable Razors
Retail: 99c
Coupon: $1 from 9/27 SS (exp 11/8) or $2 from 10/11 SS (exp 11/21)
Total: Free!
Rolaids (3 pack)
Retail: $1.49
Coupon: $4/2 from 10/4 RP (exp 1/4/10)
Total: Free!
Knox Gelatin
Retail: $1.39
Coupon: $4 printable
Total: Free!
Bumble Bee Premium Tuna in water 2.5 oz Packet
Retail: 99c
Coupon: $1 printable
Total: Free!
Sun Crystal
Retail: $1.99
Coupon: $2 9/20 RP (exp 12/31)
Total: Free!
Beggin Strips (small bag)
Retail: $3
Coupon: $2 from Savings for All Seasons (no longer in stores) AND 1.00 from 10/4 SS (exp 12/31)
Total: Free!
Bumble Bee Tuna Pouch
Retail: $1
Coupon: $1 printable
Total: Free!
Thai Kitchen products (found in the ethnic foods aisle)
Retail: $1.09
Coupon: $1/1 any Thai Kitchen product peelies on them or 50c off 1 from 10-11-09 RP (exp 12/31)
Total: 9c
Lipton Tea 16ct boxes
Retail: $1.09
Use 50c/1 from 8/2 RP (Exp 10/26)
Total: 9c
Success Rice Boil in the bag (2ct)
Retail: $1.19
Coupon: $1 printable
Total: 19c
Green Flyer Great Deals (expire 10/30)
See all of the great deals here
To get these deals, you combine 1 Publix coupon with 1 manufacture coupon that is listed below. This will get you cheap or free products! Prices vary based on which type you get.
Sundown Vitamins $6 off when you buy 2 Publix coupon. There are products that sell for $2.99 and up. Pair this with the manufacture coupons for additional savings.
-$1/1 from 08-30-09 SS & 08-23-09 RP
-$1 printable
-$3/2 printable (ff link)
Possibly free!
Children's Tylenol Meltaways
Retail: $4.14
Coupon: $2 Publix Coupon and $3/2 from 9/13 RP
Total: 59c ea
Maybelline Eyeliner
Retail: $2.49
Coupon: $1 from Green Adv Flyer AND $1 from 10/11 RP (regional)
Total: Free!
Thermacare -- $6.99
Advil PM travel size -- $1.09
Use $5 when you buy an Advil PM and a Thermacare product (in the green advantage flier) and the $3 manufacture printable coupon. (or $2 from 9/27 RP)
Total -- 8c!
Thanks to Saving your Cents for new deals on this list!
See all the Publix deals here!
Where do you find the Johnson Buddy Bars at Publix. Since I can't find them at Walmart, I thought I would try Publix.
The buddy bars are on the bottom shelf on the baby aisle. Right where the soap and shampoos are. :)
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