Upromise - Earn more money in your account with e-coupons
Upromise is a savings program that rewards you with money for college education. BUT you may also cash out the money you have saved in your Upromise account and receive a check you can deposit into your bank account and spend on anything you want (like a Disney trip)! Just submit this form here.
There are so many ways to earn cash in your Upromise account. The main ways I save is by linking my Winn Dixie card, Publix Upromise card, CVS card, debit and credit cards. When I purchase a Upromise participating product (see the list here) or shop at a Upromise participating merchant, I get credit to my account balance. I currently have $40.76 in my account. I'm going to see how fast I can get that number to $100.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to grow your Upromise balance is by using the Upromise e-coupons. Each month Upromise releases about $40 in coupons that you have to load onto your cards at the Upromise website. When you purchase that item with your Winn Dixie, Publix or CVS card, you receive the equivalent balance of the coupon in your Upromise account.
For example, one current e-coupon on Upromise is $1 off Bounty. If I went to Publix and purchased Bounty and had them scan my Publix Upromise card, I would receive $1 added to my Upromise balance. But what makes it even a better deal, I can still use a coupon at the register on the Bounty and still receive the credit on Upromise!
Here is a current list of all the Upromise coupons available. If you think you might buy these items, go ahead and load the coupons now. They will be good all month!
.40/1 Argo or Kingsford’s Corn Starch
$1/3 jars of Beech-Nut Homestyle Stage 3 baby food
$1 off Beech-Nut Let’s Grow item
$1/8 jars of Beech-Nut Stage 2 baby food
$4/2 BIC Comfort 3, BIC Comfort 3 Advance, or BIC Soleil Triple Blade Disposables
$2/4 blade BIC Soleil System or Shimmer System handle or cartridge refill
.50/1 Bounty Napkins
$2 off Bounty Paper Towels 6 count or larger
$1.25/3 Cabot Chesse bars
$1 off Charmin Fresh Mates
$1 off Charmin Mega Roll
$1 off Charmin Plus Lotion
$1.50 off any Chiquita Bites Multipack or Family Pack
$1 off Chiquita Bites Singles
$2 off Elmer’s GoPaint! Mess Free painting products
$1/2 Everyday Fun Size Nestle Chocolate items w/ Upromise logo
.55/1 any Fisher Chef’s Natrual Baking Nuts 4 oz. +
$1/2 Fisher Snack Almonds, Cashews, Mixed Nuts or Pecans, 5 oz. +
.55/1 any 1 Fisher Culinary Touch Cooking and Baking Nut Blend
.40/1 Fleischmann’s Yeast strip or jar
.75/1 Glass Plus
$1.50 off Huggies or Huggies Supreme Diapers, any size pack
.50/1 Instant Krazy Glue
.40/1 Karo Syrup
$3 off Konsyl Gl Laxative
$1 off Krusteaz Waffles, Pancakes or French Toasts w/ CoroWise
.50/1 any box of Krusteaz Waffles, Pancakes or French Toast
.45/1 Little Debbie 100 Calorie Cakes
.75/1 Little Debbie Double Chocolate Chip Muffins
$1/2 Lucky Leaf Pie Filling
.75/1 No Yolks Egg White Pasta
$1/2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Pasta
$5/2 Similac Infant Formula
$1/2 Snyder’s Chocolate Covered Pretzels 7 oz.
50/1 any 1 Spray ‘n Wash
$1.50 off Spray ‘n Wash Bright & Wide
.50/1 any variety of Snyder’s Hanover 10 oz. Flavored Pretzel Pieces or Nibblers
.55/1 Sun Belt Hearty Grain Cookies
.50/1 Wacky Mac and Cheese Dinner
$1/2 Wonka Laffy Taffy or Wonka Nerds, 12 oz., w/ Upromise logo
(Thanks for the list Jenny!)
Be sure to go here to get started!
See all the ways to get coupons here.
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