Will a $6.99 Alarm Clock Save My Sanity?
My daughter is 5 and for the past 2 weeks we have been having issues with her climbing in our bed during the night. It's rough on me because I have a hard time falling back asleep.
This morning was the last straw. She got in our bed at 1 am and we put her back in her bed. She got in our bed again at 4:45 am and I decided to just get up for the day.
I shouldn't have. Today hasn't been an easy day. I've been grumpy and irritable and sleepy all day.
But things are going to change! I went to Target today and got her a $6.99 digital alarm clock. She has been instructed that she is not to get out of bed until her clock reads 6:00 unless she is sick.
I hope this works. I can't take much more of this. Good night everyone.
Update: It worked! So far! I didn't have to get up until 6:15 am. Life is gooooood.
Kristen, I know what you're talking about. Had the same issue with my daughter and using the digital clock worked well. May I suggest that if the 'staying in bed' part isn't working great that you let her get out of bed and play quietly in her room or playroom and that she may not come in to your room before 6am except in an emergency.
At 5 she can likely understand emergency -- she's sick, she's hurt. No coming in to get mommy to play or get toys or help with toys.
If you think she might be thirsty, fill up a water bottle or lidded cup with milk and put it in the fridge for her to get if she's thirsty.
I hope you can get some sleep!
P.S. Love your blog!!!
I know a few people that do that (most use 7). They cover up the minutes. It may take a little time to get used to it..but sticks to your guns. We've had a similar problem w/ our 3 year old. Not getting into our bed (they know that's a big no no), but just getting up throughout the night. Luckily, (not for him) she goes to my husband 9 times out of 10. Good luck.
I wish I could use 7. Both my kids get up around 6 am and have forever. It comes in handy at Disney because we make it for rope drop, but when I'm up late, I do not like it! ;)
Thanks for the other tips. I'll be sure to use those too.
What a great idea! I will have to try that.
We've done this with both kids! when my son was 4 1/2 he learned how to read 8:00 (eight zero zero as he called it) We made the rule then that he could not come out of his room till then. He's now 9 1/2 and still abides by that rule on non-school days! Its 7:00 on school days. My five year old follows the rule too! If they wake up earlier, they are free to play quietly in their room, but not leave. I say, set it as late as you can--they're old enough now to stay in a little later, even if they're playing! Heck, maybe you need to set their clocks by 'mommy time'--ie, not the real time! ;)
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