Minniemizing for the Mouse 11.4.09
Do you have some unwanted pounds you need to shed? Need to get up and get active to feel better? Want to be in better physical shape before your trip to Disney? Then this post is for you!
Monday - Friday I will be posting a new post titled Minniemizing for the Mouse (get it?). Comment below and let us know if you got in some physical activity today! At the end of 4 weeks I will be awarding one reader a $100 pot luck of awesome coupons as a reward for sticking with it. Good luck!
Ok, somebody needs to get on to me. I am not doing good at all!
I took a kickboxing class tonight, kicked my tail. I've been exercising again for about 2.5 months and trying to eat better. Have lost 20 lbs. so far! :-) I'm documenting this journey and my shopping savings on my blog - check it out! http://size16tosize6.blogspot.com/
Girl...I"m with you.
I cleaned today...does that count??
But..I did snack alot..
so, maybe tomorrow will be better.
Good luck to you!
Had my girls' nite out dinner and only had a side salad and french onion soup. Then headed straight to kickboxing. I left the restaurant late and ended up changing into my workout clothes in the parking lot. Good thing the time change has it getting darker a lot earlier, LOL.
walked today at work, but that was it!
I ran yesterday for the first time in months. I had to stop due to knee issues. It actually felt good. You can do it!! We are vacationing in Disney in December. I would like to have lost at least 5 to 10 lbs by then.
I rode 20 minutes on my stationary bike and tried to stay away from the candy! LOL
I am starting from scratch. I've not had any luck in the past but I will be 35 in 3 weeks and I refuse to keep the baby weight on any longer. I have 50 pounds to lose and I am aiming for 10 by my birthday! I start my 30 day shred with Jillian Michael's (DVD) today - wish me luck! My youngest will be 1 12/8/09 so I am aiming big!! The weight can really be a burden in several ways, health, enjoying time with your kids and family and just plain out the blues' feeling! Who's with me for getting ourselves back??? Good luck to you all and I love the Tinkerbell wallpaper!! (Patty - GA)
added 38 coins to the piggy bank and walked 2 miles at the track around the park. not to mention shopping at 4 diff stores with 2 toddlers with me! thats a workout in its self.
I feel the same way Patty! I just am not enjoying myself and a lot of it has to do with my weight. It's depressing to even try to put on my "pre-baby" clothes. I am doing better, even though I have lost the energy I had last week. I need to get back on the Wii. All I did today was let the dog drag me around the neighborhood for a brisk walk.
I just found you, so I hope it is okay if I join in. My daughter has a trip to Disneyland in June. This is a performing group and moms. I don't want to be the fat mom. I don't have a Wii but will attempt to use the treadmill for something other than hanging laundry on!
I cleaned house for appx. 2hrs and did an hour of serious yoga. I ate balanced meals and healthy snacks through out the day.
:) Now lets see if I can keep it up all week!
I'm new to couponing and really seeing my efforts payoff, literally. However, I have to keep the balance. For example, I almost skipped kickboxing last night because when I got home from work, the new Giant Eagle Ad came in the mail and I was so excited to start working up my shopping list. Then I gave myself a litte reality check and realized I can't trade my health for a cheap can of broth. So I did a quick scan and circled the highlights in the ad, went to kickboxing, and picked up where I left off when I got home. Balance and moderation.
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