- Vtech V. Smile
Vtech - V.Smile Cyber Pocket - Pink is $24.99 and you can still get it by Christmas with 2 day shipping! I just ordered one for my daughter (from her Paw Paw). I love this because it will play the V Tech games I got for the V Motion gaming system.
I love hearing about her PawPaw! I am originally from AL, but now live in CT, and when I say Paw Paw, I get the wierdest looks from people! Oh how I could use some Chick-Fil-A right about now! :)
I had Chick-Fil-A for lunch!! :P
My girls have a Paw Paw too! He lives in FL. It's so hard to find things (cards, mugs, etc...) with PawPaw on it!
I love your blog! Thank you so much!
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