Toys R Us -- Zhu Zhus, 2 day sale and deal of the day
At 6 am in the morning, Toys R Us is guaranteeing 100 Zhu Zhu Pets in EVERY store.
They also will have a 2 day sale on Friday and Saturday. See that ad here.
Plus go here to see the deal of the day coupons.
Also don't forget to use your Rewards R Us card!
They actually have the 3 packs & 4 packs on line right now!!!
Do I see in the 2-day sale ad that Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure is 50% off for $9.99? Could this be free after the $10 coupon you posted about earlier when you enter the code GIFT on Disney Movie REwards?
I looked at the add again and the sale is on the Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure DVD. The coupon states that it is for the blue-ray combo pack. Maybe this will work at TRU.....not sure.
i priced matched the tinker bell dvd at walmart and told them if they need to make it easier to just price match it at $10 that way my $10 coupon didn't cause problems. i picked up just the dvd not blue ray and this coupon works, just like the other disney 10 off coupons. i paid 1.40 and that was all tax. i couldn't complain. now i have an extra copy just incase the kids ruin one! it's worth a shot if you can get it!
Hey guys,
The coupon works on the DVD because it's from the same family of products. There is only so much coding they can fit in the UPC because it only has so many digits they are allowed. The first set of numbers on the UPC tells the register what product this coupon is for. Since the Blu Ray and the DVD are so close to each other, the coding isn't able to exclude the DVD (it only has so many numbers). The second set is for the amount off and how many it is off of.
The expiration date is not coded into the UPC. It is up to the cashier to read the expiration date and read the fine print on the coupons to see what it excludes.
Now I'm not knocking you for using the Blu-ray on the DVD, I'm just explaining to you why it worked even though the fine print on the coupon didn't include it.
I thought maybe it had something to do with that (as I've had other coupons from the same family work for me when a store didn't have the product I was intending to buy and they said I could use a coupon for a similar product from the same manufacturer - if that makes sense). Anyway, I had unintentionally used the Santa Buddies coupon (which was supposed to be for the DVD/BlueRay combo) on just the DVD at TRU a while ago, so I figured it would work. However, I decided not to chance it at TRU with the 2-day sale since the coupon did state that it was for the combo. Instead I did the deal at Best Buy and picked up 2 for only $6.99 each.....not bad at all.
Hey, I was just at Toys R Us and their TRIO sets are 30% off and several of them had the $10 off coupon. However, I was worried that it wouldn't work on the 29.99 sets, because after the 30% they are 20.99 and the coupon is on 24.99 or higher. But it worked. So I got 29.99 sets for 10.99. Yippee. Just thought I would share.
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