How To Go To Disney For Free* Part 3

Now that you have lowered your bills and started saving your loose change, let's focus on the area of your budget that is going to be the biggest contributor to your Disney fund... your grocery bill.
A family of four spends about $5,300 a year on groceries, according to the Department of Labor. That works out to about $101 a week on just food! That doesn't include the cost of cleaning supplies, medicines, toiletries, diapers, etc etc. (Let's say $20 a week) And then there are also the weekly dining out costs. Dining out for the average family of four will cost between $34 and $40 for one trip! All those expenses together is $160 and that's on a good week!
I spend about $200 a month. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less depending on the sales.
I'm going to teach you how to cut your grocery bill in half or maybe in 2/3rds depending on how much you are currently spending. All that excess can then be applied towards your trip! Wow! You might just be able to go for free after all.. :)
So first things first. You need to learn the basics. If you already know the basics, you might want to refresh or possibly learn something new. Here are some great places to start!
2. Abbreviations & Acronyms
3. Organizing Your Coupons
4. Couponing 102: Trading, Rebates, and Tracking Your Savings
5. Couponing 103: Rebates, Refunds and Special Promotions
6. Stockpiling: Everything You Need to Know
Now. What about saving at the stores you normally shop at? Well they have individual forums for each store! This is where I find all my bargains.
2. Walgreens
3. Walmart
4. Target
5. Publix
6. Winn Dixie
7. All other grocery stores
So that covers all the basics. I told you they were helpful! If you have any questions at all, I am more than glad to help. You can email me directly. My email is on the right hand side.
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