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I love your idea! I have been furiously emailing companies and have gotten some great coupons. I've tried to follow your suggestions to be personal and specific. However, I am also getting a lot of "sorry, we don't have any coupons to send you" emails, particularly from proctor and gamble family companies (gain, digiorno, charmin, dawn all said no). Do you encounter this a lot? Thanks again for the great tips!
I love your idea! I have been furiously emailing companies and have gotten some great coupons. I've tried to follow your suggestions to be personal and specific. However, I am also getting a lot of "sorry, we don't have any coupons to send you" emails, particularly from proctor and gamble family companies (gain, digiorno, charmin, dawn all said no). Do you encounter this a lot? Thanks again for the great tips!
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