Game deal on -- Great for the $239 Wii and Wii Fit bundle deal!
Did you order the Wii and Wii Fit bundle for $239 that I posted about here? Well if you did, that means you have a $50 credit that could very possibly be burning a hole in your pocket.
Amazon has a deal on their video games for Wii, PS3 or Xbox 360 where if you spend at least $80, you get $20 back. You can see that promotion here.
This is a good deal on their higher priced games. If you want my recommendations, I would go for Toy Story Mania! and either Wii Sports Resort
or EA Sports Active
This deal ends on November 21st.
Be sure to check out all my deals here and the Christmas deals here.
I already have a Wii Fit but I want more Fitness Game. I got Wii Fit plus during the Target deal but have to get the rest from This morning I ordered Wii Sports Active and Punch Out since my husband had been admiring that. With the $20 discount and $7 I had in there from completing surveys it was not a bad deal at all.
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