Jingle In Your Holiday's Booklet at Publix
Publix has a new coupon called Jingle in your Holiday's. It includes the Jingle In Your Holiday's rebate (that I told you about here) as well as coupons.
All coupons are manufacturer coupons.
Expiring 1/31/10
-5 off Clue: Secrets & Spies Game
-5 off The Game of Things
Expiring 1/15/10
-$1.50 any 12oz Starbucks Coffee
-$.55/1 12oz Nilla Wafers
-$1/2 10.5oz or larger Maxwell House
-$1/2 General Foods International (drink mixes)
-$1/2 8.1oz Toasted Chips or Easy Cheese
-$1/2 10-14.4oz Honey Maid Graham Crackers
-$1/2 13-16oz Ritz Crackers or Easy Cheese
-$1 /2 8-9.5oz Triscuit or Easy Cheese
-$1/2 7.5 – 10oz Wheat Thins or Easy Cheese
-$1/2 9.25-21.25oz Planters Nuts
-$1/2 Nabisco Stoned Wheat Thins, Sociables, Better Cheddars, Chicken in a Biskit orEasy Cheese
(Thanks Michelle!)
this booklet is also in Kroger!
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