The 6 month mark

Today is exactly 6 months since I started saving towards the Disney fund. Before I say anything else, I need to make a deposit. I got $14 from Mindfield. $1807.51 cash saved since June 1st! That means I met my first goal!
So where did all this money come from? Here's the official break down:
$28 from Lightspeed
$370 from My Survey
$54 from Mindfield
$112.60 from Opinion Outpost
$15 from YouData
$30 via Paypal from Swagbucks
$25.50 from Survey Head
$23.73 check from Viewpoints Forum
$505.70 rebates
$11.97 in interest
$157 by consigning the kids clothes
$135 in found money
$184.37 in found money
$8 from Buzzback
$8 from American Consumer Panel
I am absolutely blown away at how quickly the Disney fund has grown. I started saving on June 1st and that first $100 dollars came so slow. But since then, it has grown so fast! And I haven't even been as diligent about it as I had intended to be. (Life keeps getting in the way of the Disney fund).
So what's next? Well my goal was to save $1800 by being a Smart Shopper. The rest of the cost of the trip would of come from my husband's bonus in the spring. However, it looks like I am going to be able to save for the whole thing by being a Smart Shopper!
Our first trip cost us $2600. So I am going to set the new goal at $2600 by 5/20 (the day before we leave!).
That is so awesome!! :D Congratulations and good luck on the rest of the saving! You have inspired me to start a fund :D
Good for you! I am curious about the amount of rebates you have. Where do you find your rebate info? I only have about 1/2 of that amount since early this year and would love to do more! Also, what is considered "found money?" Just curious!
Found Money is money I wasn't planning on. I found money from my dad for doing some errands for him and some abandoned in a bank account I forgot about. :)
I do a lot of NBPR rebates that I talked about here:
Congrats to you! I am going to Disney in only 55 days so the pressure to save and be frugal is even greater and with the holidays it is hard but all of your work makes it easier on me. I have been cashing in points from our credit cards for visa gift cards and have almost $300 in spending money on card points alone! Thanks for all you do, we really do appreciate it.
Congrats! That is amazing. Now you could probably use your husbands bonus on something else. Great Job and Good luck, I sure you'll make your goal.
At the rate you are going, you'll have your new goal by the end of next month...LOL!
You are awesome, Kristen, way to go!!!!!! I love your blog and have shared it with many friends - my husband was even looking at it the other day.
Thanks for keeping us all going!
I see Opinion Outpost and My Survey have paid the most. Is that consistently true?
Woohoo for you! Awesome job and VERY inspiring :)
WOW! Congrats! Thanks for inspiring so many of us. I appreciate your time that you put into posting all the great deals!
Thanks guys! I am so excited!! :D
My Survey and Opinion Outpost definitely pay the most, plus they are the easiest. Now all that money did not come from survey's alone. A lot of it is from referrals, most pay $1 - $1.50 per referral, so make sure to refer you friends!!
Congratulations on meeting your goal! I'm sure it's an amazing feeling!
I would love to see a post on some of your ways to save at Disney.....We are planning a trip in the summer(our first) and we need some ideas. If you have any websites or books that you would reccomend that would be great too!!!
Wow! That is really awesome! Congratulations!
I had a somewhat smaller goal to only pay for Christmas presents with rebate money, cashback etc. Of course the good deals on presents has been a huge contributor so I have to say a big thank you as you have been such a huge help in posting the great deals!
I really love your blog and refer so many people as you cover so many stores, deals and ways to make extra $. I appreciate your breaking down your savings and being an inspiration.
By the way, I watched your 5 part couponing video with my 10 yo daughter. I've caught her a few times saying "Kristin said such and such" and I say "who is Kristin?" and she says, "You know, from Couponing to Disney ;)" She even asked me the other day if she could bring in my receipt from Publix to school so she could show her friend (who thinks Walmart is the best)how much I save and get FREE stuff.
Thanks again and Congratulations!
I'm interested in my survey... could you tell me a little more about it? Thanks
Way to go Kristin!!!! You are such an inspiration!! God Bless you and your family! You are going to have such a great trip. I love your blog. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
that is awesome! i'm a member of some of the survey's you mention, and i to agree mysurvey is one of the best, fast, and easy, been a member for almost 10years! i love getting paid for my thoughts!
it's great you are able to take the money you earn thru surveys and rebates and save them! i intend to save mine, but always have to use them for other things (hubby lost his job due to econimcal reasons so there are times when every penny counts and that's what is great about you and your site, you help stretch those pennies) i plan this upcoming year to start saving them all! i figure i'll not get anymore this year with a month away, and jan 1 is a great day to save!
thanks again for being an inspiration of what saving a few here and there can really do!
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