Swagbucks -- Swagcode out!
Swagbucks is celebrating the 8th night of Chanukah by giving out a Swagcode worth $1.
To get the code, you need to go to the homepage. There is a photo box in the center of the page. The first picture shows the Amazon.com gift card. If you click on the 2nd tab beneath that, the one that reads Chanukah, you will see the code. Enter it in the Enter a Swagcode box beneath the box that displays how many Swagbucks you have and you will get $1 credited to your balance!
What is Swagbucks?
Swagbucks is a search engine that awards you in the form of Swagbucks (points that can be traded in for prizes.) You can chose from a variety of prizes including gift cards. My favorite is a $5 Amazon.com gift card. It costs 45 Swagbucks. You get 3 Swagbucks for joining and can win anywhere from 2 - 5 a day if you search until you win in the morning and in the evening. I usually win within my first 5 searches. They also have Swagcodes out at least 5 times a week that can be worth 1 - 3 Swagbucks. I always notify you of them on my blog when they are available.
You can go here to join. I've earned $1,000 in gift cards since May, but I do have a lot of referrals. If you refer someone to Swagbucks, when they win by searching, you win the same amount! It's awesome!
Just a comment. According to swagbuck's rules are you really allowed to be that explicit in your descriptions of the location for the swagcode? Has swagbucks ever contacted you regarding that? I would hate for you to get in trouble because of your generosity, but I see others getting all their points taken and their accounts closed due to this.
Got mine! Thanks for sharing. It's nice when they are easy to find.
From what I have understood, you can tell the location but you can tell the exact code. This one is pretty easy and obvious to find as it's on the home page. :)
Thanks for looking out for me.
Thanks- I was just about to log off.
As for what anon mentioned I think you can give clues to the LOCATION but not the actual CODE so technically you are in the clear. Or to be on the safe side you could perhaps say 'check the front home page carefully' or something.
Thank you for sharing. I searched and searched for the 3pt code the other day on yaysave and couldn't find it.
Tonight is actually the 8th night of Hanukkah. Tomorrow (Saturday) will be the 8th day.
Thanks Sara. I changed my post. :)
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