What are you most excited to give this year?
What presents are you the most excited to give to people this year?
I am excited to give my kids the Vtech Vmotion gaming system. I got my son a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse game and my daughter is getting Scooby Doo. They are going to enjoy it so much!
I am excited to give my Mother in Law a digital picture frame with pictures of my Father In Law on it. (he passed away in 2008)
I am excited to give my nephew his Chrsitmas gifts. Mother in law is raising him and she can't afford to buy him much for Christmas and so we stepped in to help. I got him a speaker system for his Ipod, a portable 7 in screen for his ipod (to watch his movies on. He has cerebral palsy and he lost his peripheral vision earlier this month) and a hard drive for his Xbox 360. Well Santa got him all that. ;)
So what are you most excited to give this year? And while we are on this topic, what would you say was the best gift you ever gave someone?
For me it would be the Charles Dicken's Department 56 Police Station I surprised my grandmother with quite a few years ago. It was retired and she didn't realize that you could buy it on Ebay, and so I did and she was blown away that I was able to do that for her. It was wonderful to see her reaction.
I am excited to give my kids the Vtech Vmotion gaming system. I got my son a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse game and my daughter is getting Scooby Doo. They are going to enjoy it so much!
I am excited to give my Mother in Law a digital picture frame with pictures of my Father In Law on it. (he passed away in 2008)
I am excited to give my nephew his Chrsitmas gifts. Mother in law is raising him and she can't afford to buy him much for Christmas and so we stepped in to help. I got him a speaker system for his Ipod, a portable 7 in screen for his ipod (to watch his movies on. He has cerebral palsy and he lost his peripheral vision earlier this month) and a hard drive for his Xbox 360. Well Santa got him all that. ;)
So what are you most excited to give this year? And while we are on this topic, what would you say was the best gift you ever gave someone?
For me it would be the Charles Dicken's Department 56 Police Station I surprised my grandmother with quite a few years ago. It was retired and she didn't realize that you could buy it on Ebay, and so I did and she was blown away that I was able to do that for her. It was wonderful to see her reaction.
My mom said the best gift I ever gave her was a photo album of my kids from Hallmark. They recorded "We Love You, Grandma" and she can press the button and hear it anytime. She is easy to please.
I received two wonderful Christmastime gifts. First, I was married TODAY 10 years ago and spent the only stress free Christmas we've ever had in the Carribean with my husband. No fighting about who's having Christmas and all that...
The second and equally important gift was my son born exactly two weeks from Christmas. We had the best little package that year!
I am anxious to give several photo books that I made (through Shutterfly) - especially the one for my husband. In about 6 weeks, we are leaving the church that we helped start 22 years ago, so I used photos from over the years and put together a 45 page "memory album". He's very sentimental anyway, so I think he'll love it.
Relatives and friends say that the best gift I have given to them was the handmade beaded tatted snowflake ornaments I make.
I am so excited about a gift that I am giving myself- sorry everyone. It is a subscription to the Local paper for Saturday and Sunday papers. I got a great deal for this couponing mom. First was told I would pay $9.99 for the year, I was psyched. Then they told me I would also be getting a $5 gc to my grocery store too. I got the year subscription to a Denver paper for $4.99.
Merry Christmas!
I think I am most excited to give the photobooks from photoworks. I made one for my brother and sister in law. She has been going through treatment for lung cancer that spread to her brain. They live in Japan and her five kids have been over here with us for the last 6 months while she underwent treatment. We made a photobook of the things her kids did while with us. Against ALL odds... she is now cancer free!!!! and her kids are returning home Monday just in time for Christmas.
Amazing story, Jeanette!
I am most excited to give my mom the music video I created on my computer using digital pics of our childhood Christmases. It took a long time and going through a LOT of her old photos while she was away at work, but the end result was definitely worth the time... and best of all, the video didn't cost me a cent!
The best gifts rarely cost the most, do they?
I am also really excited to give my 94 year old grandmother her very FIRST manicure! ;) She'll be an addict for pampering from now on!
Im most excited to give the three kids we adopted for christmas time their gifts... we bought them sheets, and clothing, and all they wanted was a flat iron, so we got that too! I always try to give back to a deserving family. I was able to save up my 5$ coupons at target over the past few months on cereal and glade deals and use it towards the items to help with cost. Im also excited to give my son a sit n spin, and my daughter a doll house that i found through amazon at an amazing discount! woo hoo
Merry Christmas!!
I'm most excited to see the look on my 2.5 year olds face when we take him downstairs to show him the playroom hubby and I have been working on for a few months. We haven't let him down there, so he has no idea this is happening! As far as unwrappable presents go ... I got my MIL a beautiful wool wrap that is way out of our price range. (She'll never know I was able to get it because Bloomingdales gave me a giftcard code last week that was worth "between $10 and $500" ... mine was $50!!! Putting the wrap under the established price limit.)
I've always loved selecting presents for my mom, but this year was hard because she is now in a nursing home. She is tube fed and diabetic so homemade treats that I usually make for her are out. She has a huge selection of the pajamas that she wears most of the time. She has dementia so the videos of my kids that I have made in the past are very confusing to her. But at walmart.com, I found a photo collage blanket! So I made her a lightweight blanket covered in pictures of my family. She may not always recognize us in the pictures, but I know she will be wrapped in our loving smiles. That's definitely the gift I'm most excited to give this year. (Okay, and the zhu zhu pets for my kids!)
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