Toys R Us deals valid until midnight Saturday!
Toys R Us is having a 2 day sale with their lowest prices ever! (Which they say about every sale, seriously!)
The sale started today (sorry I'm late!) and lasts until Saturday at midnight. You can see the ad here. You can also see the weekly sale ad there which is also in effect until midnight Saturday.
Here are the best deals I see:
(These are doorbusters valid until 1 pm Saturday)
$9.99 Leapfrog Learning Baby Tag
$29.99 Leapfrog Didj plus 50% off games
$7.49 for a bucket of 75 blocks (we have these blocks and they are great!)
(These are valid all day)
Playhouse Disney Videos Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Cars 2 pk 2 for $9.99
Select DS games for $9.99
Barbie MP3 Player $14.99
Plus go here to see the deal on the Xbox system (it's a bunch of stuff for $249.) Just click on get today's coupon. It's valid from now until Sunday. Also you can click on get tomorrow's coupon to save 25% off outdoor swingsets tomorrow only!
The sale started today (sorry I'm late!) and lasts until Saturday at midnight. You can see the ad here. You can also see the weekly sale ad there which is also in effect until midnight Saturday.
Here are the best deals I see:
(These are doorbusters valid until 1 pm Saturday)
$9.99 Leapfrog Learning Baby Tag
$29.99 Leapfrog Didj plus 50% off games
$7.49 for a bucket of 75 blocks (we have these blocks and they are great!)
(These are valid all day)
Playhouse Disney Videos Buy 1 Get 1 50% off
Cars 2 pk 2 for $9.99
Select DS games for $9.99
Barbie MP3 Player $14.99
Plus go here to see the deal on the Xbox system (it's a bunch of stuff for $249.) Just click on get today's coupon. It's valid from now until Sunday. Also you can click on get tomorrow's coupon to save 25% off outdoor swingsets tomorrow only!
Also don't forget to use your Rewards R Us card!
Kristin -
I forgot to tell you that I plugged your site on my guest blog at
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