Yesterday was crazy busy
I was so busy yesterday! It started off with a trip to Target to buy last minute Christmas gifts and food for our party last night. I found my son a 5 pack of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Matchbox Cars. He is going to be so excited!
I also went to Hallmark and was able to use all 4 of the $5/$5 coupons I had printed (told you about that here) and got my daughter 4 packs of Silly Bandz and 4 greeting cards.
Then I went to Aldi's and got milk. It is up to $2.29 a gallon there, but still $1.60 cheaper than milk at our Walmart.
We got home long enough for me to see that blogger deleted Hip2Save and get very, very upset about that. Because if it can happen to her, it could happen to me! I'm looking into taking action before that happens though, so be sure you are using the url That will never change.
After that, it was off to my daughter's Christmas party at school. She made 8 ornaments at school this year (she's in kindergarten)! I am so excited. My tree is finally getting full. My husband and I only had 4 ornaments when we got married in 2001.
We got home and it was time to clean up the house to get ready for our Christmas party we hosted last night for our Sunday School class. It started at 7 and it was so much fun! We played the Wii and Catch Phrase and we are going to have to do it at least once a month! They didn't leave until 11:30 and my son (he's 2.5) stayed up the whole time. He went to bed at 11:30 and still got up at 6:30 (his usual time). Ugh! I thought he'd at least sleep in a little.
And now I have to catch up on everything. There is so much to do! But my husband is off work today and he's watching the kids so I can catch up.
But, I do have one request from you all, please. One of my friends lost her very best friend this week. She was murdered by her ex. Please keep her and her friend's family in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Now let's catch up! I'm going to be in the Salt Lake City Tribune tomorrow and I am hoping that brings new traffic!
I am not a blogger so dont understand all of it. But I also noticed hip2save was gone. What does that mean? will she up on a different web address? Thx
You are giving me a lot inspiration to be able to save for disney. I appreciate all your posts.
A blogger robot program marked her blog as spam and temporarily removed it. She'll be back once she gets it fixed. It's just crazy that a program like that can mark your blog as spam and a person not be there to approve it. It shouldn't be automatic. They should have a person approve all sites that are getting an insane amount of traffic, or something!
Also, blogger has no phone support which is dumb.
Thank you for all your wonderful money saving posts. I absoulutely adore your site and follow everyday. I am extremely disappointed about what has happened to It's Hip 2 Save. I am a faithful follower of her as well. Please keep us posted as when she will be back up & running. God Bless.
I'll look for you in the Trib (I'm a former Utahn, so exciting that you'll be in it, but I'm glad couponing here in Key West isn't as big as in Utah, don't have to worry about things being out of stock ;) )!!
OMG..that is so very sad about your friend's best friend....They are in our prayers and thoughts...
Thank you for writing about h2s and what happened...I wrote to her and was hoping her site would be up and running by now...
I also LOVE your blurb on the Disney credit card. I'm really thinking about doing that!! Thanks for all the info you provide! My husband lost his job (company was sold) and all the information you, h2s and couponersunited has provided to me...I am confident we'll get through this "bump" very easily!
Thank you so very much!!
I am a former Utahan, too. So interesting that the TRIB found out about you. Now I live in Birmingham. Would love to meet you in person sometime.
Thanks Guys!
We will definitely have to plan a Birmingham get together in the new year. :)
Praying for you friend.
You can type in and she will explain what happened and what she is doing...I love you Couponing to Disney. I have been wanting to take my two girls to Disneyland SO bad, but thought we could NEVER do it within our budget. You have given me hope...seriously! Thank you for all you do! I check your blog multiple times a day!!!
Anna - That is awesome! It's amazing how much extra cash you can find in your budget when you are saving towards a specific goal!
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