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I just wanted to say thanks for creating a site like this one. I never would have thought to email companies until I stumbled upon your site. Do you say something magical when you email companies? I've emailed some of the same as you have, and your loot seems to be a lot better than what I get!
I did the elliptical again for 20 minutes, very proud of myself. I'm not sure how well I'll do next week. We're going to stay the whole week with family, and everyone always wants to feed us lots of goodies, becuase we live so far away and rarely see them. It's going to be hard. Wish me some control.
I just wanted to say thanks for creating a site like this one. I never would have thought to email companies until I stumbled upon your site. Do you say something magical when you email companies? I've emailed some of the same as you have, and your loot seems to be a lot better than what I get!
I did the elliptical again for 20 minutes, very proud of myself. I'm not sure how well I'll do next week. We're going to stay the whole week with family, and everyone always wants to feed us lots of goodies, becuase we live so far away and rarely see them. It's going to be hard. Wish me some control.
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