Minniemizing for the Mouse 11.19.09
Do you have some unwanted pounds you need to shed? Need to get up and get active to feel better? Want to be in better physical shape before your trip to Disney? Then this post is for you!
Monday - Friday I will be posting a new post titled Minniemizing for the Mouse (get it?). Comment below and let us know if you got in some physical activity today! At the end of 4 weeks I will be awarding one reader a $100 pot luck of awesome coupons as a reward for sticking with it. Good luck!
I didn't do this yesterday because I wasn't feeling up to par, but I will do it on Saturday to make up for it.
Today I earned 33 coins on the Wii Fit. The Island Cycling is hard stuff! Those flags can be so hard to find!
How did you do?
Good for you! I need to get a new game for our wii fit. I went to the Y and did 45 minutes on the elliptical and then I spent 30 minutes on the bike reading my book. Sure makes the time go faster.
Today I worked in the garden. It's nice out today, so we wanted to do stuff outside, instead of the Wii. Yesterday though, I did the Wii Fit for 22 minutes.
I really need to check out the WiiFit Plus.
I did an hour on the treadmill and signed up for a spin class at the YmCA that runs 3 days a week up till Christmas. It starts at 6 am so I can do the class, shower and head straight to work. I won't be working out tomorrow it is a rest day because I have a 10k race on Saturday.
I enjoy posting this here. For some reason it makes me feel accountable.
Today I did errands but walked really fast thru the stores with my arms pumping. That counts as exercise right?
Alison M.
I don't own a car so I pushed my son in the stroller to go couponing at CVS, Kroger, and Kmart. Pushed baby and items up hill (35 minute walk to stores and 45 minute walk back because the hill is so steep I have to stop every now and then to catch breath)...then went back out to Rite aid with baby in stroller which took me 1 hour and 47 minutes to walk down and back. LOL I done the Ve twins belly dance work out and wii fit & plus this morning because I thought I was staying home...thats what I get for planning. The good side is I lost some weight LOL...bad side is rite aid and CVS were out of every thing I planned to get from both stores, which means another run again tomorrow. I so need a car!
I count it anon! LOL Walking the past couple days for 15 minutes at work. Will be on the Wii Fit tonight.
I have successfully worked out 3 times this week (which is a huge record for me)! We have an indoor pool here that I'm trying to go to a couple times a week plus my husband and I have a the Wii Active. I did 2 swimming trips and one time on the Wii Active since Monday. Hope to get some more in this weekend because it feels great to be active :)
I ran 1 mile around the neighborhood. Well, it was more like run..walk....run...walk...run....walk. :)
Today I woke up early and worked out with one of my Taebo videos. I hurt, but that's good! :)
WOO HOO down another 2lbs! 52 coins added to the piggy bank!
I walked 5 miles around my neighborhood today. I've lost 57 lbs so far and I have just 13 to go to reach my goal weight!
I'm proud of you. The holidays are a difficult time to be watching one's figure. You go girl!
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